Tuesday 30 September 2008


Every now and then I meet with a small group of friends and colleagues and we have a day in a quiet place together and explore where we are with our work. The day is I guess something ike a retreat, a chance to recharge and revitalise.

My themes for the autumn are drawn heavily from the wonderful work of David Orr. I want to get my head on rethinking education for sustainable retreat. I will write more abou tthe term in a later blog. For now, I want to post a set of propositions that will set the scene for future writing. I make no claims for these, they come from David's work, they provide a fine way to begin to examine the ideas, and as you will see they already connect to earlier posts.

All education is environmental education.

The goal of education is not mastery of subject matter but mastery of one's person.

Knowledge carries with it the responsibility to see that it is well used in the world.

We cannot say we know something until we understand the effects of this knowledge on people and their communities.

Minute particulars matter - we can usefully attend to the power of example

The way in which learning occurs is as important as what we learn

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