Wednesday 11 March 2009

rainwater catchment systems

Rainwater Catchment Systems are really simple - think of a huge tub, a way for water to run into the big tub, and, depending on what you want to do with it - a filter system and perhaps a pump.
If you look at something like a 6,000 gallon capacity then for every inch of rain, it is possible to harvest and store 200 gallons of water.
I was thinking about it for school playgrounds, building on the edible play area idea - it gives people (old and young) a simple, living educational tool illustrating issues of rain and stormwater runoff, experiments with water pollution and purity, measure and capture over time can illustrate drought and change in local weather, erosion, and providing a real world application of core mathematical concepts.
Tanks are widely available, and I guess someone somewhere will soon produce a recycled polypropylene version.

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