Tuesday 30 November 2010

From Ellen MacArthurs Bradford Conference today - text roll from the education session

Moderator: Thanks for intros. Really pleased you could make it from where you are.

DAVID GARLOVSKY: DAVID: SHEFFIELD - teacher, teacher trainer and inventor in renewable energy and energy edfficiency and manufacture a thermal and acoustic insulation from recyceld denim cotton.

Jamie Saunders: Sustainability can't be solved...patterns in post-conventional age... ... "Sustainability is the possibility that humans
and other life will flourish on Earth forever.

Reducing unsustainability, although critical,
will not create sustainability." http://www.johnehrenfeld.com/

Astrid: Agree, Jamie. It's a completely different mindset. It's the C2C's concept of 'being good instead of less bad'

Gordon Keay: "Be excellent to each other" Bill & Ted

Gordon Keay:   

Jamie Saunders: http://www.longnow.org/

Gordon Keay: “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” Aldo Leopold

Jamie Saunders: Guidelines for a long-lived, long-valuable institution:

    * Serve the long view
    * Foster responsibility
    * Reward patience
    * Mind mythic depth
    * Ally with competition
    * Take no sides
    * Leverage longevity
Stewart Brand - Clock of the Long Now - proper role of government and universities to 'serve the long view'...  plus Illich 'de-schooling society' and opening up 'learning villages' (as in... 'it takes a village to raise a child')

Moderator: Mind Mythic depth - explain?

Jamie Saunders: Mind mythic depth..."Minding mythic depth means to consider the long-term connections between peoples and cultures" (looking back ... and forward...)

Gordon Keay: casting fore, casting back...

Moderator: Nice phrase - like it!

Me: might be useful to conceptualise this as ecological literacy - otherwise the C2C 'brand' will dominate, what about permaculture for example as an holistic systemic approach for living? This is more than design, it is hand, heart and mind see blog www.sustainableretreat.blogspot.com where I have expanded on this at length...

Jamie Saunders: When 'future considerations should dwarf the past' (we can't turn the clock back but can influence and shape anticipate and be better prepared for 'plausible futures'... what could we do with 500 years of effort? S Brand

Becka: I'd be interested in getting in touch with people who, like me, are keen to move forward from a culture of fear and anxiety and therefore ultimately *control* to an envrionment of empowerment, challenge and change

Astrid: I agree Paul. I have come accross many sustainable and holistic approaches we can draw from. Permaculture is one, Deep Ecology another. They all share certain principles though. It's finding the common sustainable principles (laws / ideas / concepts) which can be used as guidelines for the future.

Gordon Keay: agreed

Astrid: @Becka: do you have a Transition Town initiative in your area? Or listen tomorrow afternoon to Rob Hopkins.

Becka: @astrid not sure, will ask Peter! And thanks for the tip to listen to Rob tomorrow.

Caroline Walker: If schooling cannot remain untouched by the challenges and inevitable changes to come, then what will 'schooling' look like if it incorporates circularity rather than linearity?

DAVID GARLOVSKY: Becka I am interested in your moving forward from fear and helplessness to one of empowerment.

Astrid: @Becka; TT initiatives are all about empowering people to take action together and build a sustainable and resilient community.

Jamie Saunders: Permaculture... 'whole systems thinking and whole systems action...with feedback...' ... 'closed loop/c2c' part of the 'toolkit'... maybe touches down into 'closed loop communities' and/or 'transitioning settlements' - those transitioning through time...

Moderator: @Caroline - good point. It will be centred around the individual rather than the institution

DAVID GARLOVSKY: David: and local cooperatives

Jamie Saunders: Provocation: how might society 'learn' beyond the 'physical form' of a 'campus' ... campus dissolves...

Becka: @ David would be happy to chat about it more if you wanted? My email is r.currant@bradford.ac.uk

Becka: @astrid, sounds perfect    Have been trying to build a closer comunity on campus for the last 12 months, with some positive progress.

Astrid: Could it be centered around groups of people instead of individual people? A fantastic talk about education: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDZFcDGpL4U

henry liebling: Which teaching methods/pedagogical approaches might be easy to strengthen/introduce into the education system that might prove acceptable to the current system including OFSTED, TDA...... present gov't?

Moderator: @Astrid - yes our model for our new Circular Economy course

Becka: @ henry we also need to be leading and shaping the educational sphere.

henry liebling: Suggest approaches such as "Learning to learn", "Building learning power", work in "Global YTeacher, Global learner" from 20+ years ago, role play and simulation, learning sets.

Astrid: @Will; where can we get more info on this course?

Me: its a detail/dynamic problem (self-universal) , our project Incredible edible is geared towards use of public space to connect people to the natural world, my main concern is we are deluding ourselves if we think that technology can fix the basic problem, it is a shift from ego to eco that is the rich territory to explore, particulalry in how we relate to built environment, live in our cities, retrofit them to ensure carbon reduction and generate a much deeper appreciation of relationship and community in the response to more sustainable ways of living

Astrid: Suggest intergenerational learning as well.

Moderator: It is in development - live early next year. Watch our website

henry liebling: Addressing the content is trickier I think. Chaos theory, Catastrophe theory, looking closely at natural systems, going for mastery rather than coverage, being comfortable with what you know and how to learn, rather than filled with facts and overburdened curriculum.

Jamie Saunders: As before... maybe a poly-cultural approach to 'education'... including 'social innovation', 'peer based behaviour change', 'collaborative consumption' etc...

Astrid: @Will; will do, thanks.

Caroline Walker: Can we not, in the words of Buckminster Fuller, build a new model which makes the old model obsolete? let's not ask what ofsted would accept!

Moderator: @Caroline - that's the cunning plan.

Becka: @ caroline agree totally! We should be leading the sector and showing how it can be done

Me: absolutely - ofsted is only England - there is a whole world out there!

Astrid: Good question, Caroline.

Green Business 1: Is the Morrisons course based around C2C?

Jamie Saunders: District primed and promoting 'sustainable and cohesive District'...Bradford District non-conventional past... post-conventional future... http://www.bradford.gov.uk/bmdc/BDP/the_big_plan

Moderator: The old model has been obsolete for my entire educational life. This course is designed to reflect the C2C philosophy.

Astrid: In all ingredients for a future sustainable society and likewise education, I would like to add poetry please.

StellaDudzic: The problem is not so much what Ofsted will or won't accept; it is the perception (fear) among teachers of what Ofsed will accept

Moderator: No fear - we can easily argue our case

Jamie Saunders: Localism - shaping and securing the prospects of Bradford District (and other places as well)...

Becka: that's exactly the fear and anxiety that Peter was talking about earlier. IT's easy for us to challenge the system but harder to get everyone else to do the same.

Moderator: You're now live on the screen in the auditorium

henry liebling: Glad to hear VISION in these responses. Try to canhge existing system&/or build a new one. Lots of exciting initiatives around, can they be linked. Believe only awareness is educable. esd.escalate.ac.uk

Moderator: Let's have a few questions or reflections

Becka: I'd be interested to know what one thing people are going to do differentl as a result of this event, once they leave the room. Can they find another technique to pilot, or assessment to design or project to facilitate to move more towards a circular system?

Me: Home and conference all in two hours - still snowing in Todmorden! Question: Pedagogoc design = non linear or are we really exploring emergence theory? Paul Clarke

Astrid: We may need to redefine what we want our children to learn. The wisdom versus knowledge concept. Will sustainability in eduction include social skills, cultural values, etc etc

DAVID GARLOVSKY: David: My reflection it appears this talk and are academic in context - l was hoping for practical solutions that we can engage in now.

mark hodgson: i think the open learning / emergence for innovation, working with universities is great, but universities can get access to funding, smaller businesses cant and sometime ideas are taken by the agregator! (uni) and applied for funding and the private business is left out. how can you make sure this happens fairly

Moderator: @Paul - no we're really exploring authentic learning

Jamie Saunders: Connection to place and community... viable, resilient, adaptive people in creating the conditions for 'thriving, flourishing settlements... 'post-disciplinary practice' vital...

Astrid: @David: a lot of people are already working very practically too!

Rich Hurst: I come from a schools focus, what is the learning for, sustainability is based on values, a moral purpose if you like. Young people need to be able to engage in change and appreciate they are global citizens. That will inspire learning

DAVID GARLOVSKY: David:I have experienced an unwillingness of the RDA's to provide finance to SME's - prefer to fund University programme for example.

henry liebling: In the 1980s we had movement towards "being a mathematician" BEAM across a number of subjects/areas. Worth re-visiting?

Moderator: Please give our colleagues in Elluminate an opportunity to feedback

Jamie Saunders: Thomas Homer Dixon proposed we need ingenuity... especially and more 'social ingenuity' over 'technical ingenuity'...

Astrid: Not one over the other, but both!

Me: Nice point Clive - isnt there a danger of creating  message that we pursue ego over a need for rethinking our relationship as part of the eco?

Me: perhaps the idea of spiritual is an examination of the relationship of self with universal - we are both part of the planet, and at the same time ourselves - the relatiosnhip matters and is important to explore - if spiritual isnt a word we like, we need to examine a new way of thinking about beyond self

mark hodgson: totally agree with ellen lots we can learning from the majority world..

Jamie Saunders: 'Closed loop communities' as a focus... neighbourhood scale - seems very, very timely ? with core focus on 'eco-effectiveness' and 'local' assets, flows, cycles, stocks and capabilities... at the heart of protecting and enhancing communities especially in and across the North...

Astrid: A system's view allows for double-loop thinking too.

Astrid: And asking the right questions.

Me: This debate is highlighting a transformational and not a reform agenda for schools - connections between schools, communities, business and doing this internationally - not locked to a single schooling system is one way of beginning to act differently - its a global and local challenge the mindset has to be global and local perhaps?

Astrid: Yes, think so Paul.

Rich Hurst: In agree Paul, another issue is what is the motive? We can ask lots of questions but whay are we asking them?

Astrid: To improve? Zen philosophy.

Jamie Saunders: Can a 'closed loop communities' focus help re-frame  and drive positive change in creating functioning and resilient places?

Moderator: This conference has been both local and global. That's the way our young people live and learn.

david corrall: paul, good point, henc my interest in Advaita and its application in 'real' life' fo ryhoung poeple. For example, the St James' school in London gives a holistic perspective on our lives.

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